
How To Crack Windows Xp User Password

How to fissure Windows XP password if forgot information technology? If you are unable to log on Windows XP and totally locked out of your figurer, nifty the countersign is the best way to regain access to your computer.

There are many methods can help fissure Windows XP password, only some of them will result in information lost. So it is important to choose a method which is safe to your computer. In this article, I will prove yous three easy and safe ways to crack Windows XP admin password without losing data, speedily unlock Windows XP in several minutes!

Method 1: Crevice Windows XP Admin Password with USB.

So y'all are locked out of your computer, you lot take to use a tertiary way to get back into your computer. Hither I will show you how to crack Windows XP admin password with a USB wink drive burned by Windows Password Rescuer.

Windows Countersign Rescuer is a professional person Windows password recovery tool which tin assist crack Windows 10, 8.1, 8, 7, Vista, XP administrator countersign easily and safely. It will firstly aid y'all create a Windows password recovery disk with CD, DVD or USB flash bulldoze. Then you lot can use the password recovery disk to crack Windows password on any of your estimator. Now become through the steps in nifty Windows XP administrator password with USB.

Stride 1: Use Windows Password Rescuer to create a password recovery disk.

To crack Windows XP admin password, you can choose Windows Password Rescuer Personal version.

1. Download and install Windows Password Rescuer Personal full version on some other computer which yous can log on.

2. Launch the software. It volition give you lot two ways to create a Windows password recovery disk. Plug a blank USB flash bulldoze into the calculator and then choose "USB Device".

3. Pull down the bulldoze listing and select the inserted USB drive. And so click "Begin Called-for". It volition automatically create a password recovery deejay with your USB in a minute.

Footstep two: Crack Windows XP ambassador password on your locked calculator.

Once burning completed, plug the USB password recovery disk into your locked computer.

1. To crevice password on your locked computer, y'all must boot the computer from USB. And so it is necessary to change devices boot lodge in BISO SETUP. Refer to the step-by-footstep guide if y'all have trouble to do so.

2. In one case your locked computer boots from USB, Windows Password Rescuer Personal will run automatically and show you a friendly interface. Yous will see all user accounts of Windows XP are displayed in listing. At present choose "Administrator".

3. Click "Reset Password".

4. When a confirm dialog pops up, select "Yes".

v. You volition see the administrator password is reset to blank. At present click "Reboot".

6. When a confirm dialog pops upward, unplug your USB firstly and then click "Yes".

seven. The reckoner will restart automatically. In one case the Windows XP login screen appears, select "Administrator" to log on without password.

Right, you have successfully croaky the administrator password.

Method 2: Crevice Windows XP Admin Countersign via Password Reset Wizard.

To cleft Windows XP admin countersign via password reset magician, you must firstly accept a pre-created Windows XP password reset disk. This is a free password reset tool which can be created when yous add a password to your admin account or you remember the password. And so you lot tin utilize it to crack the admin account password in future.

If you have previously created a password reset disk for your admin account, see how to use it fissure Windows XP admin password in seconds! If you lost your countersign and a password reset deejay was not created, you demand to attempt method 1 or 3.

i. In the Windows XP login screen, select your admin business relationship and simply click "Submit" (the pointer button). With a "Reset password" link appears, insert your countersign reset deejay and then click the link.

two. Password reset wizard will be opened and and so you can follow the instructions to cleft your admin password by irresolute it without erstwhile password. Click "Next" to continue.

3. Pull downward the drive list and select your password reset deejay. Then click "Next".

iv. It volition enquire you to choose a new countersign for your user account. Juts type a new countersign in the box and blazon it again to confirm. Then click "Next".

five. The password has been replaced with new one, click "Finish" to close the wizard. Now you lot can log into Windows XP with the new countersign.

Method 3: Cleft Windows XP Admin Password with Buil-in Ambassador.

In Windows XP, there is a built-in administrator account with blank countersign. Even so, it will not be shown on normal Windows login screen. How to log on the born administrator and use it to crevice password for other user accounts' passwords?

It is easy. Yous tin can kicking your Windows XP in Rubber Mode and it will allow yous in without entering any countersign. Here is how to crack Windows XP admin password in Prophylactic Way with Command Prompt.

1. Outset Windows XP and hitting "F8" key equally soon as possible. "Windows Advanced Options Carte du jour" will be opened. Utilize arrow key to move to "Safe Fashion with Command Prompt". And so printing "Enter" key.

ii. Use arrow key to choose your Windows XP and then printing "Enter". The computer volition load Windows XP in Rubber Mode.

3. Once information technology asks you to choose a user account to login, select "Administrator" to login without password. Control Prompt will run automatically.

4. Now you can use a simple command to reset your admin password. Blazon "internet user [your username] [your new password]". Then press "Enter". The old password volition be replaced with the new ane instantly. After that, restart the computer and and then yous tin can log on the admin account with the new password.

Note: You as well tin can boot your Windows XP in Safe Manner without "Command Prompt". Finally yous need to reset your admin password in Control Panel.


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