
Master App Icon Design For Iphone Ios &

App store icon - Baby monitor

An icon for an app that should be very helpful for parents. With the help of this application, an iPhone will have an eye on a baby and let parents know immediately if it starts to cry loudly :)

Custom icons - Camera genius

This one of our first iOS icons. Gosh, how long time ago it was? We still love this one!

App store icon - Baccpo

An icon for a poker game application. The application itself has an oriental theme, which is why the Chinese dragon had an hour to represent it!

Graphic design illustration - Badass

The icon for a game is this cute but very dangerous girl in one of the game's characters. Wanna play with fire? :)

App icons - Home Interior

An icon for a home interior planning tool. A room was chosen as visual metaphor which should be very obvious. But apparently the cat is the main element here. Everybody loves cats, meow!

Cisco social App icon

We're not sure if this app will be ever released, so we still can't reveal a lot about this one. We love to design icons for Cisco anyway!

Application icon - Instagenius

In the past, we designed a few icons for some photo related apps on iOS. Seems like the client was happy about them, so he ordered one more icon, the one for the InstaGenius application. This is an app to edit photos on Instagram.

Icons design - Gym Genius

This one is for the Gym Genius app which controls your work out. It's a serious dumbbell icon for a serious application.

FL Studio Froove App icon

Now here's the icon for the new Image Line - FL Grove app - a touch-based music production & performance application. A good old fruit with a brand new image, yeah!

Iphone app icons - IceCream

An icon for a photo camera app for those who always run out of places for more shots. The more photos you've got, the less organized they are, so this app will help you with that as well. IceCream app, enjoy!

Custom icon - Looping

An icon for Looping. It is a loyalty program software that uses sound to identify and authenticate users. As you can see, it was decided to use a speaker as the visual metaphor for this one.

Ipad app icons - LooseLeaf

This one is for the Loose Leaf - the sketch application. This app imitates paper and has a minimalistic interface design, so the task was to make the icon minimalistic as well.

Android app icons - Memoto

An icon for an exciting startup. You put a small camera on your clothing somewhere, and it will make photos periodically. This one is for those who don't want to miss anything :)

Badge app icon - Moon

In fact, this one is not for an application. One day, we wanted to see how the moon would look on the iPhone screen. We must say, it didn't look bad at all!

Flat design icons - Photoeditor

This is the icon for a photo editing app, which is very obvious from its name :) It's another case when an old icon can be replaced with a flat trendy one.

Arms Cartel Graphic Design illustration

Obviously a tough application needs a tough icon. This one is for the Arms Cartel app. The guy is one of game's characters. The client wanted it to have a 3D effect, so did we.

Remotely icon app

It's the one for the Remotely App. The app is for safe remote access to files on the desktop computer from your iPhone.

Skritter app store icons

This cute one is for the Skritter application, for those who study Chinese. The character was invented by the client, but to bring it to life was our task.

App icon design - Superimpose

A new icon for the Superimpose application. The client requested the new flat icon be as close as possible to the existing icon in a good-old realistic style.

iOS App icons - TubeCast

Not just Youtube app plays video in the App Store. Here is the icon for another similar app, but with its own functionalities. Our task was to design the icon, which will be unique, but at the same time, it should be obvious that this is video playing tool. What can be more obvious than a good old TV?

Logo design - Wild Game icon

Here is the logo / icon for the game development company, The King of Animals, ladies and gentlemen. However, many people say that it's too human, and obviously too photogenic to be an animal :)

Mobile App icons - Windmaster

Here is an icon for an app of our own, one for windsurfers and all other people who need to know wind forecasts. Maybe surfers should have it on their iPhones and water resistant Apple Watches? Hmm…

Application icons - YaSound

This is the interim version of a logo icon for a social radio platform and iOS app as well. In the later stages, we redesigned the receiver, making it more character like, but that's another story.

So now, here is a good old radio!!

Master App Icon Design For Iphone Ios &


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